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New Teacher Tips

New teacher?

Don't worry- I remember that feeling well because it was only 2 years ago. There is so much to do and figure out, and it can be overwhelming to worry that you've forgotten something, but my new teacher guide can give you somewhere to start.

Day 1- When You Find Out You Got the Job
Touring Your New School
Meeting Your Mentor Teacher
Curriculum Overview (and Freebies!)
Setting Up Your Room
Organizing Your Teacher Desk
Classroom Management
Open House or Meet the Teacher Night for New Teachers
Parent- Teacher Conference Survival Guide
Ten Ways to Motivate Your Students (and the follow up Cuckoo for Cotton Balls!)
Teacher Emergency Kit
Get Organized for Next Year NOW! (before the school year even starts)

New teacher or not, you may also want to check out my posts about my teacher binder:
Ode to My Teaching Binder
Teacher Binder Remix

You can also read more about my lesson plans here.

Still have questions? Feel free to connect with me through email or a social network. You can find my buttons on the top of the right sidebar and I'll be happy to help if I can!


  1. Just have to say, I just found your blog via Pinterest and I am in love! I am starting my full time student teaching in the Spring (just finished part time, small group focused student teaching this semester) and this series has been invaluable! Thank you so much!

  2. I am a brand new teacher and just found your blog! I just want to say thank you SO much for all the tips you've included here - they've helped me more than anything I've found so far while searching for new teacher tips!! I have a feeling I'll be coming back a lot in the coming weeks! :)

  3. Hi again! As I'm starting to plan for my first year I am wondering more and more what to do on the first day and during the first week. Are you supposed to do educational stuff, like get started on standards? Or is that first week more of a procedure practice, fun, get to know each other type of week? What should I make sure that fill my first day with?


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