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Sunday, May 3, 2015

You Are Appreciated- Grab Box Giveaway!

Teachers, lots of people are using this week to say that they appreciate you, and it’s nice. But let me say this… I GET IT.

I know you get to school early or stay late on a regular basis. Or both.

I know you will spend nights lying in bed wishing there were something more you could do for that one kid.

I know you bring home a very full bag and feel at least a little guilty if you let it sit all night while you actually spend time with your family.

I know you will feel crushing defeat when your kids don’t get it, or a lesson falls apart- and yet, come back and try again the next day.

I know how the littlest moments of triumph make your day or your week.

I know a significant amount of your paychecks through the year will go towards something for your class.

I know you spend most of your TV time catching up on grading or cutting out laminated stuff.

I know you want to not worry about the tests, but you can’t help it.

I know you will spend at least part of your summer “off” scouring Pinterest for ways to make your classroom better next year, and then many unpaid hours actually making it happen.

I truly, truly get it.

As a teacher, you probably spend so much of your time doing things for the kids- but I’m teaming up with some other bloggers to do something nice for YOU.

teacher appreciation giveaway

I’m sending one lucky teacher a thank you “grab box” full of surprise goodies to help you make it to the end of the school year!

Reach for the starsNonsense Word Context Clues- Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

I’m including a flash drive of some of my favorite TpT resources, like my Reach for the Stars Fluency Folder, May Text Detectives- Find the Text Evidence  for 2nd grade and 3rd grade, and Nonsense Word Context Clues.

text detectives

You’ll even get a hard copy of Summer Fun! A Multisyllabic Word Game for Prefixes- ready for your students to play!

There’s more! I’ll send the winner a $25 gift certificate to TpT  right away so you get to take advantage of the TeachersPayTeachers sale on Tuesday, May 5 and Wednesday, May 6!

teacher appreciation sale

Finally, I’ll fill the box with some of my favorite things that I know other teachers will LOVE. I’m keeping them mostly a surprise, but I’ll share a few hints (and you might catch a few more on Instagram, too!)

      IMG_8575-001   IMG_9096-001   blair turner paper

Getting excited yet? You can enter to win my grab box in the Rafflecopter below. (Sorry, I can only ship this one within the U.S. and Canada!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Even better? Enter for the chance to win a grab box of goodies from some other teacher friends here:

Whether you win or not, THANK YOU for all that you do. I see your late-night grading, your hurried lunches, your creative plans, and your love for your students- and it makes me proud to share this profession with you!

post signature


  1. You know you're a teacher when you respond to Mom without a second thought!

    1. Yes! Or grandma. Even grandpa on occasion!

  2. You know you are a teacher when you love to buy sticky notes!

  3. I'm loving this little giveaway!! Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to you!

  4. You know you're a teacher when you ask your husband if he needs to go potty before you leave to go out (We don't have any kids of our own)

  5. You know you are a teacher when you love buying school supplies.

  6. You know you're a teacher when you can make it through an entire day without a bathroom break :/

  7. You are a hoarder. it is hard to get rid of stuff because you never know when you will need it for a lesson.

  8. You know you are a teacher when you run to Target at least once a week!

  9. You know you're a teacher when you have your own laminator at home.

  10. You know your a teacher when you make numerous stops at Target in one week!

  11. You know you are a teacher when you tell kids in Wal-mart to stop running and talk quietly.

  12. You know you're a teacher when a great Friday night involves a trip to Staples and the Dollar Store.

  13. You know you are a teacher when the cashier at the local quick mart recognizes you immediately when you ask for donations of coffee filters for art projects.

  14. You know you're a teacher when you're counting down the days just like the students!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. You know you're a teacher when your favorite hobby is creating learning activities for your students!

  17. You know you're a teacher when you play "hide" and "not seek" from students in the grocery store, especially if there is something questionable in your cart. (or if they had a difficult day that day at school)

  18. You know you're a teacher when you reach into your purse to find a tape dispenser and stapler.

  19. Love your blog! What a great giveaway! Happy Teacher Appreciation!

    1. You know you're a teacher when you pull links and cubes out of your pocket when you do the laundry!

  20. You have to look through the Target dollar section every single time you visit the store (which is at least twice a week).

  21. You know you're a teacher when, you understand words like "hanitizer."

  22. You know you're a teacher when you have more Flair pens than pairs of shoes.

  23. you get excited when you hear Patricia Polacco is working on a new book!

  24. You know you're a teacher when you have Amazon boxes piled by your front door!

  25. You know you're a teacher when you get excited when office supplies are on sale!

  26. You're a teacher when new school supplies make you happy!!!!

  27. When you spend more money on your classroom than yourself, when you open your purse and find a piece of lego from the rainy day recess shelf, when you need your hair checked for lice as an adult coz the pandemic has begun again at school, when you get called mom by accident, when you constantly think about your little ones out of the school environment and wonder if they are ok! (oops went a little overboard... but that was some of the first that came to mind)

  28. You know you are a teacher when you are constantly browsing TPT for new products.

  29. You know you're a teacher when you have an unhealthy obsession for school supplies!

  30. You know you're a teacher when you have to continue working after "quitting" time.

  31. You know you're a teacher when you get really excited about brand new school supplies like colored markers and pens and dry erase markers. :)

  32. You know you're a teacher when the thought of "new" school supplies makes you happy!

  33. You know you're a teacher when you ask family and friends to save all plastic containers, box tops, and any/all games/books/happy meal toys that their children have outgrown.

  34. You know you're a teacher when you have more colored pens than black ones.

  35. You kn W your a teacher when it's the end of one school year, and your already thinking about the next year.

  36. You know you are a teacher when you announce that you need to go potty while out with friends

  37. You know you're a teacher when you can't pass up a deal on school supplies...even if you have plenty already and no space for new stuff!

  38. You know you're a teacher when you stock up on flair pens and sharpies when they are on sale.

  39. You know you're a teacher when you can give "the look" to a kid in the grocery store, and they stop fooling around!

  40. You know you're a teacher when you are SO excited to find good used book sales! My classroom library is overflowing, but it feels like Christmas when I get to buy new books for my kids!

  41. You know you're a teacher when you scope out the Target Dollar Spot for things for your classroom on every visit. (not sure if it posted earlier, I am sorry for the duplicate post if it did)

  42. You know you're a teacher when you call your students your kids!

  43. You know you're a teacher when you go to the bathroom at 6:00 am, and you finally realize at 4:00 pm that you haven't gone to the bathroom since way before school started.

  44. You know you're a teacher when nothing excites you more than a nice package of chart markers!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

  45. You know you're a teacher when you keep a bottle of Airborne at your desk. :-)
    Thank you for hosting this give-away!

  46. You know you are a teacher when you give the "teacher stare" to others outside of the your husband (who swears it doesn't

  47. You know your a teacher when you remind all of your adult friends to "use their words"

  48. You know you're a teacher when you put on a clean shirt and a googlie eye falls out of it!

  49. You know you are a teacher when you want to go over and discipline the child who is giving his/her parent a hard time in public.

  50. You know you're a teacher when you are more excited about the back to school sales then your kids are!

  51. When you countdown to summer!

  52. You know you're a teacher when you get excited to see the Staples and Office Max ads in the Sunday Newspaper. :)

  53. You know you are a teacher when you when you spend hours looking on Pinterest for more teaching ideas.

  54. You know you are a teacher when you can find a use for about anything in your classroom and your family makes a game of it.

  55. You know you're a teacher when your brain is like Google Chrome with 3,000 tabs open!

  56. You know you are a teacher when kids you don't even know come up to you and say "Hi Mrs R!"

  57. You know you're a teacher when you have to create a budget just for pens, pencils, washi tape and office supplies. ;)

  58. You know you're a teacher when you look forward to summer vacation and one week later you can't wait for school to start again.

  59. You know you're a teacher when laminating makes you excited!

  60. You know you're a teacher when you catch yourself using your teacher voice on your spouse!

  61. You know you're a teacher when garage sale season = new exciting classroom supply season!

  62. You know you're a teacher when you wake up in the middle of the night because you forgot to do something for your classroom the day before!

  63. You know you're a teacher when you edit billboards along the highway.

  64. You know you're a teacher when... you are filling out entries like mad on a Sunday night because the thought of winning $25 from TPT makes you giddy!

  65. You know you're a teacher when you want to correct grammar and behavior in public!

  66. You know you're a teacher when your favorite store is Staples, or any school supply shelves in any store.

  67. ...when you know EXACTLY how many school days are left in the school year. :P

  68. You know you're a teacher when you start planning for next year before this year ends.

  69. You know you're a teacher when you have to spell every word correctly in a text and notice every grammar or usage mistake on a facebook post.

  70. You know you're a teacher when you find the strangest things in your pockets!

  71. You know you're a teacher when you refer to your students as your kids!

  72. ...when you bring office supplies from home to work.

  73. When you get CRAZY excited to see new pens or markers at the store :)

  74. You know you're a teacher when you use your teacher voice on your husband!

  75. You know you're a teacher when you can't walk through Wal-Mart without a trip through the school supply aisle and opening a new package of Sharpies (or glue, or pencils, or paper, etc, etc) fills you with joy :)

  76. You can eat your lunch standing up and in five minutes. Can you say inhale?

  77. You know you are a teacher when you reach into your jacket and find star tickets (class rewards) in your pocket.

  78. You know you're a teacher when you drool over sales of sharpies, pencils, and notebooks on sale and also when you realize how you can use colored duct tape to create a color coded organization system in your classroom while others just cock their head and look at your funny. :)

  79. when you can tell which student is talking without even looking!

  80. You know you are a teacher when you watch for school closing and hope for a snow day more than students!

  81. You know you're a teacher when you carry your teacher bag with you everywhere (baseball, basketball games etc.) to use any spare time to work, but you can forget your purse or lunch bag many times.

  82. you know you are a teacher when white board markers pop up in the strangest places, inside the classroom or outside school!

  83. You know you're a teacher when your hands and arms are covered in marker at the end of the day!

  84. You know you're a teacher when your voice level has risen when you started teaching.
    I am sure and so I have always been very quiet. My boyfriend told me teaching has made me louder.....

  85. You know you're a teacher when you get excited to see the back to school displays (for new supplies).

  86. You know you're a teacher when you make Dollar Tree a part of your weekly errands.

  87. You know you are a teacher when your husband calls you a hoarder. I have to remind him I'm a teacher; there's a difference.

  88. You know you're a teacher when you have dreams about grading papers!

  89. You know when you're a teacher when your husband has a pile of stuff out of your pockets and lays everything on the washer when he does laundry.

  90. You know you are a teacher when you go out in public dressed crazily from some dress up day or activity at school.

  91. You know you are a teacher when you are sitting in your classroom at 9:00pm on a Sunday night looking for new material or reading school blogs looking for new ideas.

  92. You know you're a teacher when you are obsessed with getting new school supplies!

  93. You know you're a teacher when you spend all your money on children's books!

  94. You know you're a teacher when you are always on the lookout for new ideas or supplies for your class!

  95. You know you're a teacher when you REALLY want to correct friends' grammar on their FB posts. Seriously though, you know you are a teacher when you realize when driving home that you haven't gone to the bathroom all day long.

  96. you threaten to use your teacher voice to rowdy kids in public!

  97. You know you're a teacher when you correct other kids in public.

  98. You know you're a teacher when you spend your paycheck on items for your students and classroom.

  99. talking of your kids is 2nd nature... and you've never given birth

  100. You know you're a teacher when you try out new lessons on your husband and loved ones!

  101. You know you're a teacher when you tell your husband "turn your voice off" in quiet environments.

  102. You know you're a teacher when your husband asks you to stop using your teacher voice with him

  103. You know you're a teacher when your heart starts racing in the school supply isle in Target or Wal-Mart!

  104. You know you are a teacher when you can never have enough colorful bins

  105. You know you're a teacher when you tell your husband to use his inside voice!

  106. You know you're a teacher when you can't pass up a good deal on kids' books, but you don't personally have any kids.

  107. You know you are a teacher when the thought of new school supplies makes you giddy!

  108. You know you are a teacher when you run out of school supplies in the classroom, so you go home to bring in the ones you have in your home office.

  109. You know you're a teacher when you can NEVER find a black pen to use! I can't sign checks or receipts with pink pen...or can I? ;)

  110. ...when you steal supplies from home to take to school!

  111. You know you're a teacher when the smell of a lamination machine gives you a slew of ideas.

  112. You know you're a teacher when cringe during movies with poor grammar usage. :)

  113. Green snot doesn't make you vomit! :) wendy

  114. You know you are a teacher when someone asks you how many children you have and you say 32. My own 2 plus 30 students.

  115. You know you are a teacher when: Back to School Sales make you giddy!

  116. you can reach into the pocket of a cardigan, when at home, and find a paperclip, a whiteboard marker, and post-it notes :o)

  117. your student finally gets it and it makes your day.

  118. You know your a teacher when you have end of the year dreams about finding pencils.

  119. You know your a teacher when you have end of the year dreams about finding pencils.

  120. You know you are a teacher when you get excited about finding a glue stick cap before it has dried out.

  121. You spend more on classroom supplies than groceries.

  122. You forget to go to the bathroom during your break because you're too busy doing other things!

  123. You know you're a teacher when you tell adults to speak in "red zone" or "college talk" without realizing what you are doing. I thought my non-teacher roommate was going to kill me my first year of teaching!

    Sweet Tea and Second Grade

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. You know you're a teacher when you have marker and dry erase marker all over your hands and clothes when you get home.

  126. You know you're a teacher when you always have paperclips in your pockets.

  127. You know you're a teacher when you and your friends hang out, the conversation always goes back to school stuff because they are all teachers too.

  128. You know your a teacher when buying new Sharpies makes you giddy all over!!

  129. You know you're a teacher when you keep paper clips, sharpies and scissors in your purse.

  130. You can't sleep the night before the first day of school!

  131. You know you're a teacher when you do a happy dance when back to school supply flyers are in your mailbox!

  132. You eat, sleep, and dream about what you need to do for the next day or week!

  133. You know you are a teacher when school supply aisles make you happy 😃😃

  134. You know you are a teacher when you continue to buy books when you already have 500 in your classroom.

  135. You know you're a teacher when buying school supplies makes you happy!

  136. You know you're a teacher when the first thing that comes to mind at the sight of pizza is fractions!

  137. You know you're a teacher when you spend Sunday evenings enter giveaways! 😄

  138. You know you're a teacher when you get home at 8 p.m. most nights. :/

  139. Thank you for being a part of this giveaway!

  140. ... your hands are covered in marker Monday-Friday
    Fancy Free in Fourth

  141. You know your a teacher when you spend countless hours on TPT!

  142. try to redirect a child in Walmart!!!

  143. You know you're a teacher when a family member has annoyed you and they tell you not to look at them with your teacher look or not to use your teacher voice with them.

  144. You know you are a teacher when you have not only your own laminator at home but also at school, when you are singing the science song from the week over the weekend, when you get super excited about a TPT sale, when you can't wait to see if a teacher has updated their blog with something new in their TPT store, when you search Pinterest during lunch for upcoming lessons, when you enter every giveaway a teacher may have on their blog. I could go on for days... :)

  145. You know you're a teacher steal office supplies from home to take to work.

  146. always have homework.

  147. You know you are a teacher when TPT is your home screen!

  148. You know you are a teacher when you spent 5 hours working in your classroom on a Sunday and then spend Sunday night looking at teacher blogs.

  149. you're up at 11:00 at night shopping and creating things for your students in your class!!!

  150. You know you are a teacher when you hear the words "She is a teacher at my school, or your name shouted down the mall so the student can point you out to his/her parents!

  151. You know you're a teacher when you regularly forget your ID badge (and maybe a walkie-talkie) on whilst running errands around town or working around the house!

  152. walk down the supply aisle every time you walk into a store, because you're addicted to new and fun things!

  153. you get a secret thrill from laminating!

  154. When you get more excited checking out the new children's book section at your local bookstore or library than your own children

  155. ask for card stock for Christmas!

  156. You know you're a teacher when you get excited that school supplies are on sale.

  157. You know you are a teacher when you tell the kids to stop running in the hallway at a hotel no where near where you teach….

  158. You know you are a teacher when you end up giving the "teacher stare" to rowdy kids in all public places.

  159. You Know you are a teacher when.... you are around your friends and you get onto them about their language...

  160. You know you are a teacher when you husband comes home demanding construction paper, sharpie, and a glue stick as "your a teacher and I know somewhere you are stockpiling supplies." If a disaster ever happens we will run out of food and water but never sharpies!

  161. are lesson planning in the shower.

  162. You know you're a teacher when you try to stop kids from making unsafe choices in public...i.e. running in the aisles, shouting in the stores, etc.

  163. You know you are a teacher when your husband gets really irritated because you can't stop correcting people when you get home.

  164. You know you're a teacher when you are on "vacation" and you keep a running journal / photo log of all the science examples you see and experience.

  165. You know you're a teacher when you can spot the grammatical errors in every single thing you read!

  166. You know you're a teacher when you can't walk through a store parking lot without at least one child shouting out your name. {Repeat multiple times with other children, who may or may not even be in your classroom, when you enter the store.}

  167. You know you're a teacher when you love the smell of laminating, you get excited in July when school supplies start hitting the shelves, and you're like a kid in a candy store when you enter an office supply store or book store!

  168. You know you're a teacher when you watch Disney Channel to keep up with the shows your kids watch.

  169. You know you're a teacher when you watch Disney Channel to keep up with the shows your kids watch.

  170. You know you are a teacher when you love the smell of Walmart in August! I can smell those school supplies now!

  171. You know you're a teacher when you pull a unifix cube and twisted paper clip out of one pocket and an expo marker out of the other when you're doing laundry.

  172. You know you're a teacher when you grown adults still call you "Mrs. __" because it's just too weird to call your teacher by his/her first name.

    Thanks for a fun giveaway!

  173. have an unhealthy obsession with writing materials....

  174. You know you're a teacher when you spend more money on your students than yourself!!

  175. You know you're a teacher when you want to use your teacher voice outside of the classroom in non-teaching situations.

  176. You know you're a teacher when you have every color pen known to man! :]

  177. You know you're a teacher when you want to take a red pen and correct grammar errors in facebook posts.

  178. You know you are a teacher when just with one look you make a kid calm down at a restaurant or grocery store, even if is not your kid.

  179. raid the dollar sections at various stores and know when they start putting out the BTS supplies.

  180. Back to school ads make your heart happy

  181. You know you're a teacher when you're up at 5 commenting on blogs :)

  182. You know you're a teacher when you can give the "teacher look" to any kid within a 50 foot radius!

  183. You know you're a teacher when you get emails about TPT sales!

  184. You know you're a teacher when you get excited about your laminating!!

  185. You know you're a teacher when... you spend hundreds of dollars on TPT

  186. You know you're a teacher when you get more excited than the kids about snow.

  187. You know you're a teacher when you find yourself at Walmart at 6 am or 11 pm getting those last minute supplies.

  188. You know you are teacher when you get excited about new dry erase markers

  189. Love the giveaway! Thank you for doing this!

  190. When you jump up and down in the aisles of goodwill over a new chair for your library corner

  191. You know your a teacher when, you know exactly who is talking without even turning around

  192. You know you're a teacher when you eat your whole lunch in about 5 seconds

  193. You know you're a teacher when your cure all for everything is a drink of water and a mint.

  194. You get giddy and excited over new markers! :) Love you!

  195. You know you're a teacher when you remind family members, including other adults, to use their inside voices.

  196. You know your a teacher when buying school supplies/ stuff for your classroom is an addiction

  197. You know you're a teacher when you dream ways you can improve your classroom at night :)
    Lori H


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