Saturday, May 4, 2013

Week of Doom Approaching, in 3, 2, 1…

Some weeks you try out a new pin, and it works.

<a data-pin-do="embedPin" href=""></a>

This was my Pin of the Week. I started with a sore throat Sunday night, and got gradually worse until scrambling for sub plans on Thursday to get myself to Urgent Care.

See, I didn’t get anything ready because we just have too much going on for me to be absent. But, well, my body didn’t really listen to that, but let the sinus infection take charge.

Once I was medicated, I came back to school but didn’t eat a big enough breakfast, so my medicine did not agree with my stomach. Friday morning I had a lovely Teacher First and, well, got sick right in front of my class.

Yeah, nothing helps kids focus on their work like their teacher over a trash can in the back of the room.

I went home at lunch.

(Please tell me I’m not the only one who has traumatized her class in this way? They were so concerned. Of course, they were so concerned right in the moment when I needed them to be independent for just a minute please, but it was still sweet.)



Everyone else seems to be excited that we are almost to the end of the year. For me, there are FOURTEEN days left. And while I’m ready for a break, holy cow. There is WAY too much to get done in fourteen days. Plus, I might be moving away from my school this summer and I’m not ready to be done teaching here. I’m a nerd, but… I love my job, and I love knowing I’ve done it well, and I need more time for that!

Surely I’m not the only one who feels this way?

Next week we will be doing our state testing (which should have been done last week, but the testing company our state paid $95 million to had major computer issues). As a member of the social committee, I’m also helping with our retirement celebration on Wednesday. On top of that, it’s our Young Author’s Week- we will have a visit from an author (Keiko Kasza) and share our (unfinished) books with a first grade class. The rest of the week will be spent finishing our books, creating our Mother’s Day gift, and getting ready for the lemonade stand my class is running on Friday during a schoolwide running event, after seeing an orchestra performance in the morning and enjoying the pizza party they earned on the same day.

So yeah, sinus infection, there is NO TIME for you.

Oh, and my husband graduates college that same night and his family is coming to visit for the weekend.

(Hence all the question marks about my summer/ future. Husband is still looking for a job, so… life is sort of up in the air until that one falls into place. Crossing my fingers that I don’t have to work this summer- I’ve never done gone a summer without working!)

I have been a terrible blogger, but I plan on posting tomorrow to recap some ideas from this time last year (because most of you weren’t following me then, which is actually pretty awesome).

I super hope that your life is a bit less crazy right now. To be fair, other than the sick, most things in my life are going really well and are super exciting- it’s just a lot at once! :) Make sure you link up with your Currently with Farley!


  1. Oh no! I haven't gotten sick in front of my class but I definitely had major morning sickness with both kids, and I was always thisclose to losing it every day for weeks! I hope you feel better soon!

    I found you through Farley and I'm your newest follower!

    The First Grade Scoop

  2. No fun! I haven't gotten sick, but I did fall (it was a butt slide) on the stairs on the first day of school one year!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  3. I can somewhat relate to your "ready to be done, but not ready to leave" feelings! I just finished a 14 week student teaching internship in 3rd grade. Glad to be done with my degree, but leaving those kiddos was hard

  4. Oh no - so sorry you had to share your "human side" in front of your class. I just had a sinus infection and have hopefully kicked it. I am a third grade teacher, too, and just found your blog.

    I hope this week goes smoothly for you!
    Learning in the Little Apple

  5. I hope you feel better! :( I am a new follower and also holding a linky, please hop over and check it out. I'd love for you to link up! :)

    Pinkadots Elementary


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