Friday, May 31, 2013

End of the Year, and the Start of a Big Adventure!

We finished school a week ago, but so much has happened since then! I'm going to cheat on Five for Friday and show you 5 photos from our last week of school.

It's simple, but my kids loved getting to read in our nature center for 20 minutes. I let them each enjoy a freeze pop, and popped around to get an individual photo of each kid for their end of the year gift.

The next day, the kids used adjectives to describe each other in a game of Scoot. Since my kids mostly thought of different ones, I had them do an extra round where they voted for 2 others, and then I put the results into a Tagul word cloud to finish up their end of the year class gift, just like last year.

Once I got the basic Tagul settings set up, I just retyped things for each student and I probably had these printed and ready in about an hour. They would look great framed!

Our grade level took the kids to a bowling alley for our end-of-the-year party. For $3, each kid got to play two games, and they LOVED it! (This little guy had never gone bowling before. Check out that form!)

My kids got a chance to give their teacher a report card, which they just loved. If you're still in school, you can grab a copy of the teacher's report card here.

You can link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching here!

It was a very busy end of the year, but this past week has been REALLY huge for my family.

Last weekend, I threw a party for my husband to celebrate his birthday and graduation, and yesterday, on his official birthday, he accepted a job in the Cincinnati area (where he's from, and we both have family).


We are both excited, but I am really sad to leave my current school and job. If anyone has job searching tips, classroom moving tips, or any connections that might help in the Cincy area, I would be forever grateful!


  1. Congrats on the move and happy summer!! Looks like the last few days were a blast!!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  2. I love your end of the year gifts! I'm going to check out Tagul! Good luck with your move! :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  3. Yay!! So excited for you! I just visited my cousins in Cincinnati in April and it is a great city! :)

  4. Good luck on the job search...and congrats and happy bday to your hubby. Enjoy your summer. I have only 4 more days.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  5. End of school yet ? Here in Belgium we still have a whole month to go ! Your photo odea is great, like it a lot,will use it maybe......thanks

  6. What a great activity for the end of the year using adjectives to describe each student- love it! Congrats on your new move- good luck!! I'm having a giveaway; hope you can visit!

    Learning With Mrs. Brinn

  7. Good luck on the move. I'm currently looking for a new job so I feel you on the apprehension!

    Success in Second Grade

  8. Love the bowling trips! Once I took my kinders bowling and one of them just ran down the aisle and kicked all the pins down. It was quite a commotion!
    Whimsy Workshop


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