Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stone Soup Celebration (and bacon?!)

I am sliding in juuuust under the wire to join in Jennifer’s Something Good linky!

Something Good at Home: Can you say 3-day weekend? I got to hang out with my mom, 2 family friends, my mother-in-law, her boyfriend, my cousins, a couple of coworkers, and 3 good friends- plus, of course, my husband. We spent some time watching improv comedy, playing with a puppy, watching The Muppets (a Valentine’s gift!), and visiting the Indianapolis Children’s Museum (which is just plain amazing).
Something Good at School: My students hosted a Stone Soup celebration last Friday to honor some people who we appreciate in our school. It was a great opportunity to write letters detailing the things we love about some of the people who make our school work.
My students each brought in one ingredient (okay, well, most of them did). We thankfully didn’t have too much overlap, and most parents washed and cut things first.
Of course, we added stones first. (Oh, and a crock pot liner. Seriously, these things are SO worth it.)
We added to the crock pots and let the soups cook for a few hours.
They turned out delicious, and when each person stopped in for soup, we paused to raise hands and share specific compliments or things we liked about that person. A couple of teachers nearly teared up. The kids also got to eat lunch in the room and try a little cup of soup. It was such a sweet way to end last week!
*Random side note: my husband does improv comedy, and recently acted in a (kind of ridiculous) local Internet commercial. He was paid in money and bacon, so I keep joking about him (literally) bringing home the bacon. If you have a minute, check it out.

By the way, the bacon was deee-lish. Hope you are having a great week!


  1. My school just read stone soup to encourage cooperation among our students and in our classrooms...and we just started letter writing!! What a great idea to invite people in the school to have some stone soup! How did you have the students write the letters? Did they each write their own, did they pair up? Did you brainstorm beforehand? I'd love to give this a try! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  2. That soup looks delicious! And this may sound crazy, but I've never seen those liners before!? Where do you find those? I love cooking in the crockpot but hate the scrubbing when it's done.



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