Saturday, February 2, 2013


Here we go again- week 3!

The challenge this week was to go around the room and put away all that little stuff that has a place, but you just haven’t gotten to putting away yet.

I didn’t get as much done as I would’ve liked, but I think it’s pretty important for me to keep blogging about how things are going regardless.

This is the sink area in the back of my room, where I store snacks, food supplies, and supplies for students to access as needed.





Many of these things could fit in the cabinets, when I just took the time to organize them better! It’s much easier to find what I need back there now. I still need to do something with the pocket chart back there (yellow blob), and figure out a better use for the trays to the left, but the junk is gone.

My desk area has definitely been slowly making progress, too. It’s slow- but it’s getting there.





This area is still somewhat cluttered, but I went through my pens, pencils, and markers to throw out those not working (and put in my new Christmas pens). I also put lots of little things back where they belong, and started using the blue bucket above as a catch-all for Post-Its, tardy notes, and the other *little* things that find themselves onto my desk. Eventually, I think I want a better solution, but it’s better for now.

I think going through some of the clutter is helping me see which systems are not working. I don’t have a great way to store papers copied ahead (probably in part because I’m not usually working very far ahead!). I need a different place to put scrap paper that students can use for bookmarks (because it’s currently sharing a space and not working!). I need to have a place for extra copies, and another place for copies that I file (and I need a way to make sure I actually file them, too!)

I still have areas that I need to “purge,” but I’m seeing little bits of progress, and I’m excited to keep going!

It’s not too late to join, if you want :) Check out the other participants in this week’s challenge here.

Time to go enjoy breakfast!


P.S.- I have Internet back at home again, and I love it!


  1. you've done a great job! I definitely need to do some purging, we moved into a new wing over the winter break and I found things in my room that I had never even opened.

    It feels good to be organized doesn't it?

    Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  2. Better to work slowly than not at all, Jenny. Keep chipping away at the clutter.

  3. Wow! Your desk looks gorgeous! I'm just hoping I can get mine in shape, too!

    Primary Inspired

  4. What a great improvement in your sink area!! Keep it up!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten


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