Friday, August 3, 2012

Don't hate me!

I have wanted to read The Daily 5 for a long time. Yes, I have read tons about it on blogs, but everyone still said you HAVE to read the book. I even went to a workshop this summer that lauded the Daily 5 framework for the 90 Minute Block, and I told myself that, yes,I was finally going to order it.

I did. And it got here just before my trip to Texas! 

I was so excited. As the flight started, I pulled out the book and cracked it open. (Loooove that new book smell!)

By the time I had made it from Midway to Kansas City, I was done.

And, frankly, unimpressed.

Seriously?! Everyone else In the known universe seems to think this is the best book ever written. This was supposed to be groundbreaking. I was supposed to feel like a new teacher. I expected to feel invigorated for the new year.

And instead, I felt disappointed. 

Maybe I had just heard too much about it already, but I didn't feel like I'd gotten much out of it than what other bloggers and my workshop had already covered. I mean, yes, we need to model. Yes, kids need to spend more time reading. But beyond that... Um, what am I missing here?

Am I crazy?!

I think I am going to do Daily 5, or a variation, but I have to say that after all the hype, I expected the book to give me more. I was honestly a little sad I spent the money on the book (because it was noooot cheap).

I am sitting down with CAFE now. Tentatively. Hopefully. 

After the number of people that have recommended The Sisters to me so highly, just writing this feels a bit like blasphemy. And I'm sorry if you are a faithful fan.

Maybe I will feel differently after reading CAFE?

Has ANYONE else not just fallen in love on first read?

P.S. - My husband and I had a blast this weekend. So, so excited that he will be home with me in two weeks!
P.P.S.- I will get back to new teacher stuff soon!


  1. I also just read it this summer hoping to get blown away after many teacher friends raving about it. The IDEA of daily 5 blows me away, and I am still going to implement it with my third graders. The book, however, did not impress me at all. Glad I am not the only one!

  2. I'm with you. I expected the book to be longer and more in-depth. I have to admit when I did the book study this summer, I checked it out of the library because I was so skeptical! Ha ha. That being said, I'm going for implementing it because I do like the idea of teaching more in small groups for more individualized instruction. I'm in the middle of CAFE right now as well...again expected it to be longer but I am appreciating the ideas on how to conference with students.

    Check out our blog if you want to read my D5 book study posts from this summer.

    Teaching Little Miracles

  3. I felt like that book was just about what I was already doing, I just didn't have the labels they used. In my room, I have adapted it to make it work for me. Maybe you could do the same. Take the parts you like and play with it.

  4. I felt CAFE was much more useful. I plan to use a Reader's Workshop model with my students and incorporate elements of Daily 5 during Literacy Stations.

    The Science Penguin

  5. You're so funny!! It probably just didn't have any novelty because you've heard so much about it. :) When you'll really love the book is when you're actually implementing it. The structure of launching The Daily 5 is mapped out so thoroughly that it makes it easy to get started. If you follow exactly what they say to do, you will reap the rewards of kids who LOVE LOVE reading and working independently. I think that's why people are obsessed.

    The CAFE book has more lesson ideas and specific instructional tips. Have you checked that out yet? You might enjoy that book a bit more. :)

    Second Grade Sparkle

  6. I haven't done the D5 thing yet. I like the way my reading block goes. Maybe one day I'll join all the fun. =)

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

  7. You made me feel better - I read a piece and wasn't super psyched. I follow a Reader's Workshop format and I don't know how I feel about the Daily Five for the upper grades. But I've heard nice things about the format of whole group-small group - whole group - small group. I'm concerned, though, that it doesn't do much to build stamina, an area our kids really struggle in. I do like some of the specific ideas they have for word work and stuff like that, though. I think I'll read the whole thing and use parts I like.

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  8. Blasphemy!!! :O

    Lol, kidding.....all of the hype probably ruined it for you. How sad! I thought it was a good book but I also didn't know very much about it (other than the basic structure of D5) before reading it.



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