Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Long time no see...

TeachHub featured my blog- and I am flabbergasted. I mean, looking over the list of featured blogs, I kind of can't believe I made the cut. I could name ten great 2nd grade blogs that should've been featured ahead of me, but I am so grateful that someone thinks I'm doing something right. Thank you, and welcome to those of you who found me that way!

Last week was hectic, to say the least. Guest speakers, lemonade stand, school-wide mile run/walk, Mother's Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, and of course plenty of end-of-the-year craziness- but it was a great week. I can't wait to post about some of the things we did!

Not yet, though. My husband leaves home tomorrow morning, and will be halfway across the country until August, so tonight's a quick post! I'm linking up late with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade...

Don't get me wrong- my husband has an amazing internship and I couldn't be happier for him or more proud of him. I'm just not looking forward to being apart for this long, but we'll be fine!

On a more positive note, though, I should be visiting him at least once this summer. Are any of you by chance in the DALLAS area? :)


  1. Sorry, not in Dallas, but I am your newest follower. Stop by and check out my blog - I write about using different books in the classroom.
    Basket of Books

  2. Not in Dallas - in Texas, though, but at the other end!

    And I am super impressed by your lemonade stand! WOW!

    Buzzing with Ms. B


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