Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Teaching Blogs Outside the Box

This'll be quick because I really need to clean off my desk tonight. (And about ten other surfaces in my classroom, but I'm starting small!)

Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed with the number of special activities from here until the end of school? I am a firm believer in teaching to the last day, but I'm looking over my calendar and wondering when I will have time. This week alone, we have a scheduled field trip, musician visit, watching a performance of the another grade's musical, and having a parent come in to do a special art/ Earth Day project for the grade level.

And this is with WEEKS still to go!


A few of my favorite blogs aren't too well known in the "teacher blogosphere," but they are great reads for teachers and I wanted to share them.

bird on the street

Bird on the Street is one of the first blogs I ever started reading. Katy started her blog back on MSN ages ago, when she was a special education teacher. I loved hearing about her ideas and experiences in a tough job, and then the blog changed entirely. When her son Charlie was born, he had heart failure that led to bleeding in the brain. Now, he has cerebral palsy and more, and his mom blogs about how she best cares for, teaches, and advocates for her son. She has just recently had twins, as well! As a teacher, I love hearing the perspective of a special needs parent who also knows the teaching side of things. Katy is a talented writer and well worth reading!

It's Not All Flowers and Sausages is another blog that isn't afraid to let things get real. She's posting less frequently now that she's a new mom and working on Common Core curriculum, but I still love reading her witty, intelligent rants. She is terrific when it comes to standing up for our profession in a sassy but smart way. This lady truly gets what it's REALLY like to be a teacher who puts your all into the classroom and struggles with the politics and legislation and all. that. craziness. She is one of those people who makes me feel like I'm not alone, and makes me laugh at the same time. Even better... she balances the teacher venting with truly amazing teaching ideas, and I am seriously excited to see the curriculum she comes up with.

One of her best blogging friends is Notes from the School Psychologist. I love reading a different perspective on school and the things we do. A school psychologist focuses on some of the things my students really need to have... but might not be getting unless I take the time to teach it. (I don't know about your school, but our school psychologist works for multiple schools and isn't in our building daily. Our counselor is wonderful, but very busy!) She knows so much, has some great stories to share, and helps me think of things I might not otherwise!


Most teaching blogs I read are posting lesson ideas and photos, but the blog Look At My Happy Rainbow! is just about enjoying and appreciating the little moments that teachers see everyday. As a male kindergarten teacher, the author has a rare perspective into what it's like to be a teacher, but what I love most about his blog is the relentless optimism. The touching and funny teaching anecdotes he shares make me smile and remember why I love this job.


Finally, VodkaMom. This mom and teacher has gone through some tough times lately, but she survives with sharp wit and sassy sarcasm. She's that woman who will say the snarky things you are really thinking in your classroom on the craziest of days. But she's also a powerful writer who always keeps it real, and she cracks you up so much that you'll wish she was your friend in real life. (At least, I do!) I'm pretty sure we have all had a "Frank" in our class!

When I look for blogs to follow, I usually look for ones that give me valuable ideas I can take straight to my classroom. But these blogs are all ones that just make me laugh, make me appreciate my job, or give me a new 'inside' perspective of a special family- and I love those too.

Teresa over at Confessions of a Teaching Junkie motivated me to think positively again a few days ago with her linky party!

I always try to be optimistic anyway, so I couldn't pass this up. Besides... meltdowns were sort of a daily thing when I wrote this, so it was an especially happy day not to have one. I'd love to read what went right for you today, so link up with Teresa!

Who do you follow just because their words brighten your day?

1 comment:

  1. To be eligible to win the $10 Starbucks gift card in the drawing on Tuesday, make sure you follow my blog and follow me on Facebook. So far only 6 people out of 21 are eligible. Good Luck!
    Confessions of a Teaching Junkie
    Find me on Facebook!


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