Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reality vs. Fantasy

I just read the 5 Star Blogger challenge, and I feel... weird about it. I'm not sure these tips are right for my little blog.

I'm not starting this blog to become a seller. This isn't to say I won't ever go there (let's face it, some extra money would be nice), but right now I hardly have time to keep up with my classroom, much less create for yours. And I think as a new blogger and a not-seller, the rules are a little different.

I think linky parties, tag, and awards are more important as a new blogger, because you have to help readers find you. I work hard at finding worthy blogs to link to, and I love feeling like I can help other bloggers. As a reader, I love getting to know the bloggers behind the blogs, so I try to include some me in my posts, too.

Honestly? Lately the real 'content' stuff takes me a lot of time and doesn't seem to go over as well as I expect, which makes me wonder if my ideas aren't at all innovative or useful. Or maybe people just don't comment. It's hard to say.

In any case, I'm going to make it a goal to have more content worth your time. Not so I can put a blog badge here (because, honestly, I feel a little like Emily over at Second Grade Silliness about the whole thing), but because I know I can give you better ideas and resources.

While I'm getting this out there, I kind of want the community of a teacher blogging group that doesn't involve a big investment (since, like I said, I'm not counting on my blogging becoming a money-making venture). If anyone wants to start a low-key group where we try to figure this teacher-blogging stuff out together on a free, casual basis... let me know. I'm no expert, but I think we can learn from each other (and Google) and enjoy the support! The main support group for teacher bloggers is just a lot out of my price range for something that's purely a hobby, and I know I'm probably not the only one in that boat.

Anyway.... real content time!

Distinguishing between reality and fantasy is usually pretty easy for my kids, but sometimes they get it confused with fiction and fantasy confused.

We also just happened to come back from a long weekend where kids were dying to share what they did, or who they visited, or how many Easter eggs they found, so this was a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

Simple- fold the paper in half, then fold down a little flap on top. Write Reality on one side, Fantasy on the other. The one above was my sample. (Don't laugh at my drawings! If you're wondering what the dogs really look like, you can see photographs here.)

A student example: 
Reality- "I am ready for piano." Fantasy- "Fly in the sky."

Below is the girl who can draw ten times better than I can. I try not to get too jealous.

  On the Reality side, the students were supposed to tell me how they really spent their weekend.


On the Fantasy side, they had to draw a fantasy of their weekend- which means that not only did it not happen, but it also couldn't have happened in real life! (I zoomed in so you can see this egg hunt up close. How cute is that?!)

 I particularly enjoyed the dichotomy of eating at Chipotle and an alien invasion of Mexico.

If I were to do this again, I might've done 3 sections- Non-Fiction (what did happen), Realistic Fiction (something that didn't happen but could've), and Fantasy (didn't happen and never could), but as it was, I loved their drawings. 

"I had a soccer game." and "An alien punched me." (k pow)

 Pretty sweet unicorn, amirite? (Am I right?)

"I am hunting for Easter eggs" and "I have turned into a dragon!"

This one confuses me. I'm not so sure he understands what 'reality' means... any ideas what this is?

So, in conclusion... 
I'm not a 5 Star Blogger, & I'm okay with that.
I want teacher blogging friends and that could be you!
Please leave me your best guess for what's going on in that last 'reality' drawing!


  1. I love the idea with having the kids draw what they did, and then the fantasy version of their weekend! Next week our reading skill is Reality and Fantasy, so I may just borrow this idea!!

    I feel the same way about blogging as you do! I do it as a hobby and not as a way to make money, or sell things. 1st off I'm not that creative to make all those things that I see other teachers create. I love them, I just haven't had the time to sit down and figure out how to make them!

    Thanks for sharing your ideas!!

  2. Reality: You could fall off a ride at the fair?
    Fantasy: You cannot fly up into the air over a ride at the fair?

    Thanks for sharing the idea. I may have to borrow.
    Stop by my blog sometime, too.

  3. Love reality vs. fantasy! I also had mixed feelings about the 5 star challenge. I doubt that she was trying to stir up controversy but I have certainly heard tons of bloggers talking about it today! It did open my eyes to how many blogging gags I get caught up in (like linkys, and giveaways). I am also going to make it a goal to include more content in my blog. I think I am now a little appreciative of all of wake up call, although I am not sure that I will ever meet all of the criteria . . .

    Second Grade Math Maniac Blog

    1. I agree with you- it was definitely positive to be reminded that I need to have more content than 'fluff', as fun as that blogging stuff is! :)

  4. Reality: Merry Go Round
    Fantasy: A UFO takes you? Lol.

    I totally agree with Emily @ Second Grade Silliness.

    My blog is me and I don't care if it fits into a certain category. If I want to promote new bloggers, which to me makes the bloggy community even better and closer, then I will promote them.

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  5. Hi Jenny!

    I love, love, LOVE your fabulous blog! I just haven't had as much time as I want lately to spend in bloggy world, so I have to catch up in spurts! ha! What a wonderful reality vs. fantasy project! Such a great way to make sure they have a good understanding of what fantasy is while having them share their weekend activities (and wishful adventures)! Thanks for sharing, I may have to do this one Monday morning!

    Lessons with Laughter

  6. Thanks for checking out my blog! I look forward to following you!

  7. Thanks for your post! I need to be better about commenting. I think it is easier to comment on the "light" reads, but the comments don't necessarily inspire more. Whereas, the more content driven posts, don't get as many comments, but often they digest longer...and affect my class more. Loving your blog.

    Chickadee Jubilee

    1. I think that's it. To put it in a very teachery way... I guess sometimes it's easier to 'make connections' on the lighter reads!

      I'll have to try to remember the way you put it. I really like that!

  8. I so appreciate your post about the 5 star blogger award. I too felt a little (weird) after reading it. ( I was feeling a little sad about my blog posts and over analyzing it all.) But then I started thinking about why I started to blog... think we are all building a wonderful little community to support each other, share funny stories, a little about our life, and share fabulous ideas....

    Have a great Sunday!


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