Friday, March 23, 2012

New Book Boxes!

So, aside from one little one having a tough week, my class has been really good this week. Like, so good that it's freaking me out a little bit. In the days before and after Spring Break, we had a streak of 6 days where everyone ended the day on green or higher. Six days. Right before and after Spring Break. What?!

I'm not sure what I'm doing differently or if I have somehow scared them or what, but it is amazing.

I've been doing a lot of think-pair-share moments, and then all I have to do to get their attention back is hold my hand up and count down from five. Silently. Without a single WORD from me.

And right now, this is actually working. By the time I get to zero they have all stopped talking and turned back to face me.

Is there some kind of weird classroom karma that is going to come back to bite me next week? Because as much as I am loving this, it is strange.

When I have told them how close they are to third grade, they are almost all pouting and sad, saying they don't want to leave me, and honestly, I'm kind of tempted to keep them. I mean, if I finally have them trained have things down...

Anyway- I can't believe I have only 9 weeks left. I'm already trying to think of things I want to do next year, but I'm still tweaking and giving things a try this year. I just got their Book Boxes (finally) ready yesterday, so today we discussed the rules and got to go "book shopping."

It's funny how they've been looking for books in my library all year, but calling it "book shopping" suddenly makes it exciting!

These came from Ikea, $1.99 for 5 boxes. Warning: Do not go to Ikea with the sole purpose of buying magazine files. You might also walk out with a dresser. A beautiful and needed dresser, but a $300 one that barely fits in your car for the 3 hour drive home. True story.

I added adorable polka-dot numbers from technology rocks. seriously. (that were completely free, if you can believe it- thank you!) using Velcro dots, so that if I ever change my mind on how to use these, hopefully it won't be too hard to re-label. The numbers are laminated, too, of course.

Voila! Adorable book boxes that the students have been waiting for so long, they actually might not destroy. Here's hoping that this stops some of the book hoarding in the "reserved" bin.

Here's my library now (a not-so-great picture, sorry). Next up: library bin labels!


  1. Oh! I LOVE your book boxes. I have been trying to decide what I want to do for these but am not sure. My students read chapter books... I am trying to find something cheap that will work but still look nice AND will be easy to organize and will fit all their books. Sigh...

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

    1. I recently saw me one use rectangular plastic baskets from Dollar Tree! They might work for chapter books! Good luck finding something hat works :)

      Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  2. Those numbers are adorable, i`m going over to grab them! Cute blog, i`m your newest follower :)

    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog- I'm your newest follower now! :) I love the book boxes- if only I had more room I would love to use them!

    Tales of An Elementary Teacher

  4. ha ha boxes and a dresser! I love it. That dresser is really cute! I use the same book boxes. I have to reinforce them with the big clear tape because they shred them and the bottoms cave when they start putting hardbacks in there. I love the boxes though and I use them every year. perfect size.
    I just want to say thank you for your feedback on my house post. It meant a lot!

    1. So far we have a rule of always holding them on the bottom as we carry them, but who knows how long it will last! I thought about trying to cover them with contact paper this summer...

      Glad it helped. I bet it is frustrating, but your house really does look great.

  5. What great pictures of your room! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm now following you too.

    2nd Grade Rocks!

  6. Love IKEA for book boxes! I've nominated your blog for an award. Stop by my blog to get it.

    WILD About First Grade!

  7. Super cute! I am your newest follower. Come visit my blog sometime! :)
    Hello Mrs Sykes

  8. Ohh, I love your library area! Where did you get that palm tree umbrella? Super cute!

    Teacher "Extraordinaire"

    1. Thanks!

      My umbrella came from Big Lots at the end of one summer! I did have to find a separate stand, since it was meant to just stick in the ground, but I love the way it softens the light in our library, and the kids just gravitate towards it! They LOVE to read in the library.


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