12. Favorite movie you watched:
The Avengers or Cloud Atlas. The first was just so fun with great dialogue (saw it twice), and the second had amazing make-up artists and kept me thinking for days.
11. Favorite TV series:
30 Rock, I think- but the DVR is always full :) Love HIMYM, Burn Notice, and Project Runway, too!
(For reruns, Arrested Development and Firefly totally take the cake, though.)
10. Favorite restaurant:
My favorite "sometimes" treat is from the Cheesecake Factory, but it is amazingly not cheesecake.
Fried macaroni and cheese.
It's a very good thing the closest Cheesecake Factory is an hour away.
9. Favorite new thing you tried:
I took a chance and moved to 3rd grade (from 2nd). So far, it's been mostly a good thing, I think, and I'm proud of myself for going for it!
8. Favorite gift you got:
My husband and I were about a thousand miles apart (literally) for our first wedding anniversary this summer because of his internship, so he made a video for me where he sang me a sweet song. It was so so adorable, but if I post it I think he will kill me (even though he's got a great voice!)
7. Favorite thing you pinned: Favorite useful thing-
I pinned this early on in the year, and finally printed it and set it up at the end of the summer. I am LOVING it- the look of it, but also using it to track our reading lessons. (Thank you Ladybug's Teacher Files! :)
Favorite silly, amusing thing- with the comment: "My fish died when I wasn't home. Asked my cousin to give him a proper flushing. She sent me this."
6. Favorite blog post:
I think my favorite post was about our BFG Day, but I'm also super proud of just about all of my posts this summer in I Just Got a Teaching Job... Now What?!
Stats show me that visitors love my spice up your writing, teacher binder, and lesson plan posts, though.
5. Best accomplishment:
I finished my first year of teaching in my own classroom!
4. Favorite picture:
I think it might be this one of my husband and my brother. I love that they get along and that they both like to be goofy!
Other favorites? (Because I LOVE pictures :)
3. Favorite memory:
At the end of the summer, I got to go down to Texas and spend a few days with my husband after a loooong summer apart. He was able to take a couple of days off of work so we could hang out around town together. Plus, once it was over, I only had about 2 more weeks til he was home for good!
As far as school, I loved seeing a student's Airman dad surprise her in my classroom, and our lemonade stand for charity made me so proud.
2. Goal for 2013:
I want to be there for my husband.
Between graduating, job searching, and probably moving and starting a new job, he's going to need me to listen, but also to get a lot better about
1. One Little Word: trust
In 2013, my husband graduates after 9 years in college. It's incredibly exciting, but will probably mean moving to a new job and new school. For the first time, he will have a "real" full-time job, and who knows if I will be able to find a classroom job right away. With all the change that could happen, or not (depending on the job search), I need to trust in God and in our relationship that everything is working out just as it is supposed to.
It's probably going to be a big year.
Tomorrow, I'll post about some resolutions, but for now...
Happy 2013!